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- Last name, First name
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- {{entry.fields.Name}}
- {{entry.fields.Year}}
- {{entry.fields['Location Name'][0]}}
Story of Maple Hill Cemetery
Maple Hill Cemetery was established as a graveyard adjoining the first church in Dorset, a log church dubbed "the Lord's Barn" built about 1773. The oldest headstone is dated September 9, 1772. The church building was moved to Church Street in 1797 but the cemetery stayed where it was. Maple Hill Cemetery was expanded in 1865 and again in 1919 to its present 6.6 acres, and is now almost fully utilized but for a new 1.1 acre "Southern Annex" that was obtained in 1984 and is currently being integrated with the rest of the site, all about one half mile south of Dorset village along Route 30.
Personal Information
Lot Name: {{tCtrl.burialData['Location Name'][0]}}
Born: {{tCtrl.burialData.Born||tCtrl.fillerString}}
Died: {{tCtrl.burialData.Died||tCtrl.fillerString}}
Relationships: {{tCtrl.burialData.Relationships||tCtrl.fillerString}}
Military Service: {{tCtrl.burialData.Service||tCtrl.fillerString}}
Occupation: {{tCtrl.burialData.Occupation||tCtrl.fillerString}}
Birth/Death Loc: {{tCtrl.burialData['Birth / Death Locations']||tCtrl.fillerString}}
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