Since its founding in 1963, the Dorset Historical Society has been collecting artifacts, books, ledgers, photographs, legal records, and manuscripts about local families such as Ames, Farwell, Jackson, Kent, Manly/Manley, Paddock, Sykes and Underhill.
Dorset Historical Society collections include Revolutionary and Civil War rosters of Dorset men; town census records (1790-1850); mid-19th century maps locating homes and businesses and cemetery records up to the 1970s.

The Dorset Historical Society features “ongoing” and “current” exhibits that include the history of the Dorset Marble Industry, Artists from Dorset, Fenton Pottery and much more! Come visit the museum as families and children are welcome to explore the unique history that is Dorset.

General Research
The Dorset Historical Society houses a large collection of materials which may be used for genealogical research. Visitors wishing to research family or local history are welcome during regular hours or by appointment.
While we promote a wide usage of the resources, we also have some limits. The first hour of responding to genealogical research requests will be provided gratis by staff or volunteers, although it is strongly recommended that the requester consider making a donation and by becoming a member of the Dorset Historical Society. If further research is needed, the Dorset Historical Society will provide a list of professional genealogists whom the requester may hire.
The Dorset Historical Society is always interested in receiving histories, records and details about Dorset families and their descendants.