Fly Fishing with John Rano

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The Dorset Historical Society’s Third-Thursday Lunch-Lecture on July 18th will feature John Rano who will discuss Fly Fishing.

The talk will feature the history and historical influencers who influenced the story of fly fishing in the US. Additionally a brief talk on the equipment used in fly fishing and how it differs from conventional fishing methods. And time and intrest permitting a demonstration of fly casting.

John worked in the men’s luxury product and cigar business as a sales and marketing executive until retiring in 1999.  On moving to Vermont John has been associated with Orvis and has been a fishing and wing shooting instructor for 22 years.  John has been an avid fly fisher for over 45 years and fished throughout the world for numerous species both in fresh and sal water.  John lives in East Dorset with his wife Cathy and there 2 Gordon Setters.

DHS’s TTLLs begin at noon and last about an hour. Attendees are invited to bring some lunch; desserts and drinks will be provided. The event is free, open to all and handicapped accessible. The Dorset Historical Society’s Bley House Museum is located on Route 30 at Kent Hill Road. For more information, see or call (802) 867-0331.


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