Landgrove’s Greatest Generation

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The Dorset Historical Society’s Third-Thursday Lunch-Lecture on May 16th will feature Robert Badger who will talk about Landgrove’s Greatest Generation.

Robert graduated from Middlebury College in 1973 with a degree in Geology.  He then earned a masters in Geology at the University of Vermont, and finally a PhD at Virginia Tech.  Robert taught Geology in the SUNY system, retiring in 2015 back to family land in Landgrove where he built a house.  With roots in Landgrove dating back to the 1920’s when his grandfather bought a farm, he joined the Landgrove Historical Society and is now president of that illustrious institution.  Robert has written two books for the LHS: “Fading Memories from a Vermont Hillside” about the property his grandfather bought and the changes it has seen over the years of our ownership; and “Landgrove’s Greatest Generation” about the five from our little town who perished during WWII and the over two dozen others who served and survived, including two women, one who was a code breaker, the other a welder of electronic tubes for the US Navy.  My talk will focus on the five who died in the war effort and six who survived.

DHS’s TTLLs begin at noon and last about an hour. Attendees are invited to bring some lunch; desserts and drinks will be provided. The event is free, open to all and handicapped accessible. The Dorset Historical Society’s Bley House Museum is located on Route 30 at Kent Hill Road. For more information, see or call (802) 867-0331.

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