Hiraeth:  My Dorset

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DHS Welcomes Anne E de Schweinitz

The Dorset Historical Society’s Third-Thursday Lunch-Lecture on April 20  will feature Anne E de Schweinitz presenting her program titled Hiraeth:  My Dorset.

In Anne’s own words:  “My story of four generations in Dorset. New starts, a little boyo’s big adventure, and the return “home” of his grown daughter.  A story of connection we all share to this beautiful little Eden called Dorset.”

Hiraeth (here-eyeth) noun, Welsh.
A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return to or never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for lost places of your past.

DHS’s TTLLs begin at noon and last about an hour. Attendees are invited to bring some lunch; desserts and drinks will be provided. The event is free, open to all and handicapped accessible.

The  Dorset Historical Society’s Bley House Museum is located on Route 30 at Kent Hill Road. For more information, see https://dorsetvthistory.org or call (802) 867-0331.

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