Upcoming Events

250th Anniversary Regional Students’ Debate

Arlington High School 529 E Arlington Rd, Arlington, VT, United States

On April 19, 1775, the Battle of Lexington and Concord was the “Shot Heard Around the World” that marked the start of the Revolutionary War. On April 12, 2025, just one week shy of that 250th anniversary, high school debate teams from around the region will meet in Arlington, VT to debate the key question of the time; “Shall the colonies seek independence from Great Britain?”

250th Anniversary Expedition to Ticonderoga Bike Tour

The Dorset Historical Society Bley House Museum Corner of Kent Hill Road & Route 30, Dorset, VT

Follow in the footsteps of Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys! Visit the Dorset Historical Society to have your passport stamped, and for an open house featuring refreshments.

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